Workshop/photography holiday in Myanmar

Learn how to photograph people and portraits with my workshop/photography holiday in Myanmar

Taking my photo workshop in Myanmar is the most wonderful choice for a learn photography holiday because apart from the fact that it is a stunning country, it is a perfect place to overcome any fears one has of photographing local people in the street and in their natural environment. The people are friendly, charming and approachable. A smile and a point to the camera will almost always get you a nod and a smile back.

I love walking around the city of Yangon with it’s street cafés, bustling colourful markets and marvellous colonial buildings.  The streets are teaming with people, eating, drinking, shopping and hopping off buses. In the early morning young nuns and monks in colourful robes walk the streets gathering alms. In the evening the boats on the Irrawaddy returning workers to the other side offer spectacular photographs of loads of people against a glowing pink, red and orange sky.

This workshop in Myanmar particularly puts an emphasis on learning how to photograph people, because there is such a diversity and it is one of the easiest places in the world to learn how to take beautiful, candid portraits and groups of people working, relaxing, shopping, eating and going about their daily life.

Here is a question. You see someone or a group of people that you want to take pictures of, just as they are. It’s perfect. Do you take the picture without asking or ask first? This is the eternal question!  If you ask first, sometimes the spell is broken and you will not get the same mood as you had before. I have to admit that I take it, quickly sometimes but definitely take it. Then I will smile and go over if I see they have noticed. I show them and explain how I’m interested in their life. Having done this we can usually take again it again and put into practice the best way to take the picture.

Myanmar really is the perfect place to practice and learn portrait and people photography whilst on holiday. Everyone is taking photos non- stop. I noticed that the Burmese are also taking more pictures. There were groups of young monks photographing each other on the U Bein Bridge and many others whilst visiting the pagodas. You will see loads of tourists taking thousands of pictures any old how without a real focus. They will be bus’d from pillar to post in the middle of the day not wanting to miss an opportunity. They will go home and wade through all these thousands of photos and delete most of them. Ours will be so much better!  

Documenting street life and taking portraits of local people has been the basis of photo journalism for years. Anyone interested in becoming or learning about photo journalism should take this workshop in Myanmar.